Roll Call and the Roundup

I am introducing a narrative and a new song to my C.M. Russell album called Roll Call and The Roundup. Each year, ranchers would gather at the Judith Basin Roundup near Utica, Montana. In 1887, Kid Russell attended this event and was hired on as a nighthawk. During that time, he created two paintings called Breaking Camp and Cowboy Camp During the Roundup. Both portrayals include 25 of his friends who were the best roping, riding and herding cowpunchers in Montana.


In Roll Call I am introducing the names of these notable individuals then following are the sounds of cattle, cowboys whistling, then roaring into the cadence of an original danceable tune. It needs some tweaking and some more guitar work but let me know what you think so far since I want my fans to see and hear my recording process. After this, there is only one more song to add the Storytellin' CD. I can't wait to get this show on the road!

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